
  • Employee injury rate is 0.31 (0.25 is our target to rank in the IOGP’s top quartile by 2020)
  • "Golden Rules” - breaches of “Golden Rules” are down by 23% year-on-year: 36 cases (2018: 47 cases)
  • Hand and finger injuries are down by 57% year-on-year: 9 cases (2018: 21)
  • The KMG Corporate Centre’s audit plan has been fully implemented (15 out of 15 subsidiaries, associates and production facilities)
  • 10 corporate HSE regulations were approved
Injury rates, number of cases
Key metrics 2018 2019 Change %
Work-related fatalities 1 2 1 100
Non-work related fatalities 21 13 -8 -38
Lost-time accidents 48 46 -2 -4
Major lost-time accidents 9 8 -1 -11
All road accidents 66 44 -22 -33
Major and catastrophic road accidents 11 13 2 18
Driving-related injuries 9 10 1 11
Breaches of Golden Rules 47 36 -9 -23
Fires 12 10 -2 -17
5 years FAR, per 100 mln man-hours